Positive Affirmations for Every Night

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At the end of the day, you may be exhausted and feeling down on yourself. Some days are great and saying positive affirmations before bed will reinforce this positive energy. Of course other days will not be so great and these affirmations can help build you up for a better tomorrow. It’s easy to be hard on yourself, thinking you could have spent your time differently, regretting what you have done today and wishing you could have been better. This way of thinking can spiral down into a pattern and then into a lifestyle of negative self-talk.

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If you are laying in bed telling yourself how bad you are, you will wake up feeling low. It will be more difficult to have a great day if you wake up with the sense that you not good enough. You also will probably not sleep too well if you are ruminating on negative thoughts and “could-have-been” thinking.

It doesn’t matter if you did everything perfectly!

If you achieved a goal, then you should feel good about it! For example, let’s say your goal for the day was to go to the gym and at some point during your time there complete 10 push ups before you left. You were able to do 5 push ups and then had do use your knees to assist you doing 5 more. You pushed yourself and didn’t give up after you couldn’t do 5 full one’s. This is how progress is made.

And this doesn’t just apply to exercise, it applies to everything in your day! If you set out to clean the kitchen and you did, its okay if it’s not spotless. If we focus on perfection we may get in the habit of all or nothing thinking and get frustrated when achieving goals.

Create a positive atmosphere for yourself. Picture this: you are a tiny seed struggling to grow because its been dark and cloudy. In order for you to start seeing progress in your life, you need to place yourself in the sunshine! Surround yourself with positivity throughout the day and fill in the cracks of your life. I think a great way to incorporate this is putting up positive posters, wall decals, or get a positive mug to start and end your day!