Make a habit of appreciating your strengths
Set aside a time every day for self-love. Even a few seconds of appreciation can be the seed that promotes growth. Close your eyes and really think about what is great about you! Maybe it’s your ability to make people laugh. Maybe you are dependable and help others when they need it most. Maybe it’s as simple as the color of your eyes! Anything that you consider a positive aspect of yourself is enough and should be appreciated!

Keep a Journal
A good way to talk to yourself productively is to keep a journal! If you are feeling doubtful and think you are not good enough, start writing. Explain to yourself why you are feeling doubtful and create counter arguments. If you are thinking you are going to bomb an interview because you are not good enough, pick this idea apart. A lot of our negative self talk is vague and once you really look at our worries they aren’t as valid as they seemed. What does “not good enough mean?”. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your best self and feed it.
Break Down Your Ideas of Perfection
Perfection in our society can be toxic and tear down your ability to see yourself as enough. Remember that what you see online and in entertainment is often edited and not a true representation of reality. Go through your social media and see what images you are surrounding yourself with. Try following more people that post real and positive things, reduce your social media use if you can, and take “vacations” from the internet.
Fabulous post! Taking vacation from social media is something we all need to take seriously in today’s world. Love it.