Write Everything Down
Start by making a list. Reflect on your year. Think about what you have improved over the past year and where you would like to improve in the future. Some goals may be small, some may be huge. Maybe you want to exercise more…maybe you want to write a novel. Don’t disregard anything as too big.
Ideas List
Physical Health
- Exercise
- Improve Flexibility
- Eat healthier
- Improve Skin Health
- Run a Marathon
- Sit Less
- Improve Daily Hygiene
- Get Outside More
- Join a Local Sports Team
- Start a Diary
- Start a Dream Journal
- Practice Photography
- Start a Creative Project
- Learn an Instrument
- Start a Blog
- Pay Off Debt
- Get a New Job
- Increase Income
- Ask for Raise
- Fun
- Plan More Vacations
- Find a New Hobby
- Join a Club
- Attend More Local Activities
- Move Somewhere New
- Learn a New Language
- Read More Books
- Sign Up for Classes
- Volunteer
- Attend Therapy
- Meditate Regularly
- Release Anger
- Practice Kindness and Gratitude
However Big Your List is, Rate From Importance
Whether your list of goals and ideas is 3 things or 13, try to organize it according to its importance. Maybe you have one goal that you really want to accomplish and the others are just for fun. You are more likely to accomplish the goals you feel strongly about.
Make a Game Plan With the Resolutions at the Top of Your List
Once you have a sense of the goals you feel the strongest about start to plan it out. Look at the goal from a daily sense. What will you have to do every day? What will you have to do every week? For example maybe your goal is to exercise more. Will you exercise every day? How long will you exercise for? What kind of exercise? Really investigate what results you would like out of the resolution. Ultimately, the better you understand your resolution the higher the chance you will accomplish what you want. A goal with no strategy may become just another failed attempt.
Find a Partner!
Don’t beat yourself up if you struggle at first. It is really difficult to accomplish goals in such a busy world. Surround yourself with positivity, get encouragement, and find a buddy with a similar goal where you can struggle through the process together. This may not work for every resolution of course, but having someone to lean on can help when changing your life. You don’t have to do it alone!