5 Steps to Start Lucid Dreaming TONIGHT

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Lucid dreaming happens during sleep when you become aware that you are dreaming. When you are aware that you are dreaming, you then have control over your dreams and what you can do! This can be an interesting and insightful occurrence with endless opportunities to explore your inner mind.

So how can you start?

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Put a journal close to your bed with a pen

These are the main tools you need to start lucid dreaming. The easier they are to reach the more likely you will take the time to write about your dreams. If they are further than an arm’s length, the comfort of your bed may be too enticing to move to grab it. Get yourself a nice journal like this one that will make you want to use it.

Make your sleep environment comfortable

Practice healthy sleep hygiene. Go to bed at a regular time, adjust the temperature, get cozy, drink some tea. You could also listen to a guided meditation as you drift off into sleep as this can help you get closer to that line between dream and reality.

When laying down, set the intention that you want to be mindful of your dreams tonight.

You could incorporate this with a meditation or a mantra. The most important part about this step is to simply have it on your mind before sleeping.

Every time you wake up, write down your dreams

Get in the habit of keeping this dream journal. As soon as you wake up put everything you can remember on the page. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it could just be a jumble of words. All this does it get your brain in the habit of connecting your wake self to your dream self.

Remember that movie Inception?

Do reality checks. Personally I look at clocks in my dream as it is something I do regularly in my waking life. When I look at a clock in my dream I usually end up doing a double take and get insight into the bizarreness of my dream.