Focus on consistency
If you focus on doing something perfectly, you may find yourself getting frustrated. When you set a goal, you don’t need to force yourself into anything right away. Start in small chunks, be kind to your brain.
Its okay to stray off the path, just remember to keep guiding yourself forward
The beautiful thing about life is that there is no one right way to live it! If you find yourself deviating from what your expectations are, don’t be so quick to judge yourself. Life will always be throwing curve balls at you, good and bad. Take these times to learn about yourself and try to keep moving in a direction that is positive to your happiness.
Challenge yourself every day
Routine is a great tool for success but it can also be a detriment to inner growth. Set aside some time in the structure of your day to push yourself in some way. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn a new language or want to get more physical activity into your day. Try new things and challenge yourself. A new interest or talent may be waiting for you to discover!
You have amazing willpower and mental strength
Tell yourself you can and will reach your goals as much as you can. Some days will be tougher than others. Envision yourself as the strong individual you are.
One great day can be a catalyst for many more
Shift your mindset at the beginning of the day. Today has the potential to be great, and this greatness can spill into the rest of your week. Challenge your mind to stand above daily stressors and find positivity where you can.