Coronavirus Quarantine Tips

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  1. Open your windows
    • Fresh air can wake you up and improve your mood
  2. Yoga/stretch
    • It’s easy to spend a whole day sitting when you are isolated, take 10 min breaks and move your body. Try looking up yoga videos online and follow along
  3. Puzzles
    • This is a nice calming activity that can keep your mind occupied when you find yourself bored
  4. Draw/paint
    • Take some time to express yourself and get artistic
  5. Spring cleaning
    • If you have some extra time on your hands, get started on your spring cleaning! Get organized and deep clean your house. If you’re going to be spending to much time inside, it will be much easier if you aren’t in a disorganized mess!
  6. Get creative in the kitchen
    • Have a huge Pinterest board of yummy recipes? Try to find something you’ve always wanted to make but haven’t had the time. There are plenty of recipes with basic ingredients that can be a fun way to switch things up.
  7. Go for a walk
    • Fresh air is crucial for one’s mental health. Even just walking down the street and back can help boost your mood, get sunshine, and make you feel less isolated.
  8. Practice mediation
    • Meditation is one of those activities that many are interested in but never find the time to devote. Find a quiet space and let your thoughts float away for a little while. This is a good way to get away from the constant news and anxiety circling around.
  9. Binge watch something
    • Treat yourself to a tv show marathon! This is an easy way to fill time, just remember to get up and move a little.
  10. Do a craft
    • Find something creative to do! There are so many simple crafts out there that can help occupy your household. Or if you are a seasoned crafter, attack one of those big ones you’ve been wanting to do.
  11. Make your own pizza
    • I’ve seen many pizza restaurants offering take out pizza kits. They give you the dough, sauce, cheese- you bring it home and make it yourself! This is an awesome idea for all households, great for kids and adults.
  12. Read a book
    • Crack open an old favorite or maybe that one you never got around to reading.
  13. Have a family movie night
    • Make some popcorn, turn off the lights, get cozy and watch a fun movie.
  14. Start a journal
    • Take some time to reflect on your life. A journal can be a tool for personal growth, organization, and preservation. It can also be very interesting to look back and see your thoughts on what happened during the quarantine in a year from now.
  15. Have a backyard picnic
    • If it’s nice out; lay out a blanket, make some sandwiches, cookies, and lemonade, and have a nice meal outside. It’s a great change of scenery and you get a dose of fresh air as well.
  16. Donate clothes/food/ etc
    • If you have extra supplies, donate to those in need. Check up on your neighbors, see if your community needs food or toiletries. There are many people out there that need the extra boost, so if you have more than you need- donate!
  17. Rediscover an old hobby
    • Maybe you used to love playing guitar but now it’s gathering dust. Take this opportunity to enrich your daily life. It can be fun to rediscover something and reminisce.
  18. Learn how to juggle
    • Juggling can be a fun activity for all ages. All you need are a few balls and some spare time! Look up some how to videos and see if you can practice a little everyday. You may come out of quarantine a solid juggler and can impress your friends!
  19. Make a spring bucketlist
    • Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish this season. Maybe you want to start a garden, go on more walks, or paint your room a different color. Take some time to really think about what your goals are this season and how you can accomplish them.
  20. Find a workout video and follow along
    • Like yoga, there are also many fitness workouts online. There are videos you can follow along to, or just info-graphs you can use as a guide. Finding time to exercise in some way will be a great benefit to your mental health. Many people rely on the gym as a means of stress relief. Getting that routine messed up can be very detrimental to stress levels.
  21. Plan your dream vacation
    • Simply planning a vacation is a great way to relieve stress. Go on Pinterest or instagram and check out some travel pages. Maybe find a fun travel show or documentary. It’s fun to dream about sandy beaches, gorgeous mountains, and trying amazing foods. Even if you can’t actually go on the trip soon, planning one can be a great way to pass the time.
  22. Play catch with family/ dog
    • Catch is a social- distancing approved activity! If you live with someone, find a ball or a frisbee and toss it around for a while. And if you have a dog, this can be a fun way to break up your day and give your pet some attention.