Steps For When Your Patience Is Thin

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We all get frustrated from time to time. Life can throw curveballs, and we may get a little overwhelmed when we can’t seem to catch a break.

People lose patience for all kinds of reasons. Maybe you had a bad day and someone in your life is being inconsiderate. Maybe your job is a bigger annoyance than usual and you are sick of it.

Putting blame aside, whether or not it’s someone’s fault you are feeling frustrated you have the ability to gain back some control.

1. Ground yourself

First, I recommend grounding yourself. Take a breath with meaning, feel the air soaking in your body and release some of the tension you may have developed.

2. Remove yourself

If you are in a situation that warrants it, remove yourself and take a private moment. Sometimes we go so long without a break that we forget how much pent up frustration we have gained. Removing yourself from a tense situation can also prevent you from saying any unkind things or “exploding”.

3. Do something soothing

Take a walk, draw, make some tea. Having a soothing activity at your disposal can help in frustrating moments. Find something that will soothe you throughout the day as a preventative measure for losing your cool. If you bring down your stress levels a little bit as you go about your day, you may have an easier time keeping your patience when things get stressful.

4. Understanding

When you are losing your patience, ground yourself and try to clear your mind. Be present in the moment and take this time to reflect. Ask yourself:

“Why is this situation upsetting me?” “Was it my actions or someone else’s?” “Could I have changed the outcome of this situation in anyway?” “What are things I can do next time to not get so frustrated?”