1. Wash your face
There’s nothing like splashing some water in your face before you take on the day. If you have a cleansing routine specific to your needs, stick to it! If you don’t, simply washing your face in the morning and before bed can do wonders in a busy schedule.
2. Calculate your daily water needs and drink it
I am AWFUL at drinking water. When I started really looking at all aspects of my health, my daily water intake was far from what it should be. Water helps your skin, digestion, energy levels and much more to keep your mind and body healthy. Keep track of how much you are drinking on a normal day. There are many online calculators for what you should be drinking specific to your height, weight, and activity levels.
3.Eat more fiber
Maybe you are already a fiber rockstar, but many of us struggle to get our daily fiber in. Try to incorporate more sources of fiber. This can be as simple as eating an apple or pear for a snack, to sneaking it in as a side dish with meals like chickpeas or quinoa.
4. Drink smoothies packed with fruits and vegetables
Maybe it’s half mental, but when I drink a smoothie I feel like a superhero. Smoothies can be a great and yummy way to get more nutrients in that don’t feel like a chore. And the great think is that if you sneak in greens like spinach, you are getting a serving of vegetables but the taste of fruit! Great for all those struggling to get their veggies in!
5. Go for a walk outside
The great outdoors. Our bodies naturally reset when we unplug and go for a leisurely walk. Fresh air and nature in combination with light activity helps to release tension in our bodies and clear our minds. You can even pair a walk with a walking mediation exercise, which leads me to number 6!
6. Meditate
Meditation can be very difficult when you are just starting out. When I first began, it was almost more stressful for me to sit still. I hated feeling so close to my heartbeat and I felt almost claustrophobic in my own body. BUT THEN…. I really started noticing a difference. I found a guided meditation that I really liked and this really helped me control my thoughts. I found that throughout the day I could stop myself more when I began to get anxious and ground myself. I recommend giving it a shot!
7. Get creative: write, draw, music
Hobby’s are way to detach from responsibility and do what YOU want to do. One of the reasons I started this website was to have a creative vessel for myself. It’s a great feeling having total control of something that is special to you. Find something that you can do after a long day. Try playing the guitar, learn to juggle, draw something you dreamed about, write a poem.
8. Try a new meal
Food is something that makes people happy universally. The cool thing about it is that the possibilities are endless! There are hundreds of thousands of recipes out there to try. The brain and the stomach are closely connected. Do you ever notice you are more irritable when you haven’t eaten all day? Treat your tummy and your brain to something you’ve been wanting to try for a while.